Legal websites |
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http://www.legifrance.gouv.fr |
Site giving free access to basic legal texts (Constitution, codes, selection of consolidated texts), and containing general texts published daily in the Official Journal of the French Republic (Laws and Decrees) since 1st January 1998. |
http://www.conseil-constitutionnel.fr/ |
Texts relating to the main decisions taken by the Constitutional Council. The user also has access to the members list, news and Constitutional Council reports. |
http://www.service-public.fr |
Cerfa administrative forms, guide to citizens’ rights and procedures, directory of French and foreign public service websites. |
President of the Republic |
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http://www.elysee.fr |
The President’s agenda, international summits, interviews, participation in events, speeches and addresses (search by date, subject and type of speech). |
Prime Minister |
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http://www.premier-ministre.gouv.fr |
News and forums, the agenda of the Prime Minister and of all other Ministers, government organisation chart, list of ministerial and public-sector websites, reports from the Council of Ministers, discussion forums, mailbox. |
National Assembly |
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http://www.assemblee-nationale.fr |
Information on the work conducted by the Delegation to the European Union, the activities of the Assembly and Commissions (bills, reports, commission reports, analytic reports and adopted texts), biographies of the deputies. |
Senate |
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http://www.senat.fr |
Information on the activities of Senators, Commissions and the Delegation to the European Union, biographies of the Senators, access to reports, texts under debate and debate reports. |
Minister Delegate responsible for European Affairs |
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http://www.france.diplomatie.fr |
Database of statements on Europe, made by the President of the Republic, the Prime Minister, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister Delegate responsible for European Affairs. |
Permanent representation of France to the European Union |
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http://www.rpfrance.org |
"Companies - cooperation" unit: practical information for companies and authorities wishing to develop their activities on a European level and benefit from community programmes. Links to sites relating to various community programmes and funding. |